Alışveriş Sepetim

Onion Omega Breadboard Dock

13,09 USD + KDV
KDV Dahil:
581,34 TL
Havale / EFT:
568,55 TL
59,66 TL'den başlayan taksit seçenekleri için tıklayın.
Aynı Gün Kargo

Omega Breadboard Yuvası



The Breadboard Dock brings breadboard compatibility to the Onion Omega, mapping all of its pins to a standard 0.1" spacing, allowing you to access all of the Omega’s IOs in your breadboard project. Due to the Omega’s 2mm pin spacing, this dock is about as close as you can get to plugging it directly into a breadboard.

Power is provided to the Omega and the breadboard dock with any microUSB cable. This dock also includes a regulator circuit that ensures the Omega always receives the stable 3.3V it needs to operate optimally. There’s also a reset button that you can press to reboot your Omega; just hold it for 10 seconds to perform a factory restore.

The Onion Omega boards we carry are separated into three different categories: MainboardDock and Expansion Board. This board falls into the Dock category, meaning you can plug an Onion Omega directly into the board. Please be aware that the Breadboard Dock does not feature any ports for Expansion Boards.


  • MicroUSB Port – Power
  • Reset Button
  • 16-pin breadboard-compatible header


Diğer Özellikler
Stok KoduSPA-DEV14436
Stok DurumuVar

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