Alışveriş Sepetim

ATX Power Supply Connector - Right Angle

1,95 USD + KDV
KDV Dahil:
86,58 TL
Havale / EFT:
84,68 TL
Aynı Gün Kargo Sınırlı Sayıda

Description: This is a right-angle, 24-pin Molex Mini-Fit Jr.? connector, commonly used as the power supply connector on ATX motherboards. Two rows of twelve pins are broken out two rows of through-hole male headers. See the datasheet below for pin spacing dimensions.

Pair this connector with a standard computer power supply and you can source a number of different voltages (+3.3V, +5V, +12V, -12V, -5V) to your project.


Diğer Özellikler
Stok KoduSPA-PRT09498
Stok DurumuVar

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